Valentine's Day

image via SprinkleBakes

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I hope you've had a delightful weekend, we had a particularly nice and restful weekend. Here in Florida, we survived temperatures down into the 20's over the weekend; I actually had to scrape ice off of the windshield before I could go to work!

Friday we had a girl's movie night for the youth group. We had a small group, but enormous amounts of fun. We watched the Masterpiece Theater version of Jane Eyre; the 4 1/2 hours long version. It was extraordinarily enjoyable, and the one-liners we created for it... priceless. New word: "In-a-pro-pro: Adjective. Not suitable or proper in the circumstances. Ex. 'That was completely inapropro.'"

image via Pinterest

This week at the school, we jumped right into preparations for our big Valentine's Day "Love Lunch and Show." So yesterday was filled with baskets, hearts, and cards. I'm proud to say, that our show went off without a hitch! The kids did so well, and I am so proud of them. They really worked hard to get to where they are now, and I think they (and their parents) had a good time today.

image via Pinterest

Go hug somebody that you love, or smile at somebody just because it might make their day. Today isn't about getting presents or flowers, it's about showing somebody that you love them and think they're special. Even if that somebody is your annoying little sister.

Psst! I think you're awesomeHappy Valentine's Day, Readers!
