The Year of Blessings

I've declared that this year is: The Year of Blessings. Keep reading and maybe you'll see why I feel that way.

image via Rikki Snyder Photography
it IS almost Valentine's Day...

So much has happened in the few days that it is hard to imagine it's only Thursday night right now. Over the weekend, our car overheated, broke down, and was prone to excessive boiling and hissing at stoplights.

Josh is super handy, and he's been tinkering with the car ever since he married into ownership of it. For those who don't know, my little Kia Rio was unreliable and made of "tinfoil and tupperware." Lately we were spending more money every weekend on fixing the car than anything else. We'd been praying that the Lord would provide a car for us for some time. So after the overheating incident, we decided to look for a replacement.

Meet the replacement (we're still working on a name). It's a 2006 Subuaru Forester, in almost perfect condition. We had so many people work hard with us to make sure we got a great price on a great car - and I have no doubt that the Lord provided this car for us.

What would you name our new car? Please, send me your suggestions!

Just thinking about all the ways that the Lord has provided for us over the last year, even more so in the last few months, greatly humbles me. He has provided for every little thing, even things that seemed mostly impossible. This year, at least for our family, is truly the Year of Blessings. I hope that we can pass that on, and bless others as we have been blessed.

By the way, guess what I found in my mailbox today? Yep, my little seed babies. They're here and just waiting for me to plant them and help them grow. Get excited! (I sure am!)
