Wind Chimes

This year has been unseasonably warm, so I hope that spring has finally sprung wherever in this beautiful world you live. Spring has definitely arrived here in Florida, although sometimes it feels more like we've slipped right into summer. The azaleas around here are in absolute full bloom, along with the dogwoods, redbuds, and various other wild flowers. I've even started seeing hummingbirds. It's glorious.

I hope this week is treating you well so far, the weekend is just around the corner. For me that means... (finally?) planting my garden! I finally have a free Saturday to do it, plus my boss at the Reading Clinic bought me a Topsy-Turvy (on sale for $1!!) to help me get started; I think she's as excited about my garden as I am - we're even going to start a small garden for the school.

I'm also on the hunt for a hummingbird feeder and some pretty wind chimes (I just love listening to them!); maybe I'll plan a trip to the flea market to look. I'm pretty sure I can do all of this on my little balcony. Either way, we're gonna find out this weekend!

What else would you put in a balcony garden?

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