Camping in the Quiet

This weekend was absolutely lovely! We left on Friday to go camping with some friends at O'Leno state park. It was so nice to relax and spend time in the great outdoors with friends. Josh and I were in charge of breakfast Saturday morning, so we broke out the pancake batter and bacon - I'm pretty sure there were no leftovers - plus, what's better than waking up to the smell and sound of bacon sizzling on a Saturday morning?

Right now my house is very quiet, because Lewa stayed with the breeder while we went camping, and we haven't been able to go get her yet. She's had a streak of being naughty lately (enough to earn her the nickname of "The Devil Princess" or "Satan's Princess" by some of our friends), so she wasn't allowed to come this weekend. I miss my puppy!

Being out there in the woods was a good reminder to intentionally take the time to be still and quiet. I'm usually surrounded by noise {music playing, the tv, students talking, the radio in the car, talking on the phone, etc}, and I get so distracted, and sometimes feel like my life is spinning out of control. Sometimes just sitting in complete silence is all I need to get my head on straight again; but it has to be intentionally sought out - the world does not allow for silence too often. God speaks in the quiet, that's when we can hear Him and be refilled - so stop drowning Him out! This weekend of camping helped me to recharge for this week to come.

I hope that you were able to recharge this weekend, and that you can take the time to just sit in the silence and be filled.

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