I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22

It's always a little bit sad when one chapter of your life ends, but it's also exciting because it means that a new chapter is just beginning! Yesterday was the last day of school, and also my last day at the Reading Clinic.

Somehow I had it in my mind that when school ended my life would change. I worried and worked myself up about it, until I got physically ill. But you know what? It really hasn't. I mean, I don't have to wake up at 6am everyday to go teach anymore {and won't have to for the foreseeable future), but really, nothing else has changed. It's amazing how we work ourselves up about things, isn't it?

Anyways, I wanted to catch you up on life lately...

My dear friend, Christina, had an awesome graduation and party. There was fellowship, laughter, dancing, and good food. That's my idea of a good time!

I celebrated my 22nd birthday last Friday. Josh surprised me with dinner out at my favorite watering hole (The Cup O' the Irish). The man likes his surprises {waffles!}, that's for sure. He made a 20 minute drive take 45 minutes, so I wouldn't guess where we were going; and he had arranged for beautiful flowers, balloons, and a sweet chalkboard message to be there when we arrived. And some good friends to join us later on for even more celebratory fellowship. Oh, and he got me these. Perfect!

We celebrated the three-day weekend by cooking out with friends Sunday afternoon. Can you tell that we're really into table fellowship? Josh had to work on Memorial Day, so I went over to my parents for dinner.

We finally had our end-of-the-year "water war" at the Reading Clinic on Tuesday. It was teachers versus students. I filled up about 300 water balloons, and we recruited a few parents (well, Aunties) to help us out. In the end, with our excess of water balloons, and ice-water-filled super soakers, the teachers were quite victorious. The kids wanted a fight, and we gave them a war!

And that's been life for the last little bit. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22....

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