have courage. be kind.

Early this week, my mom and I went to the sweetest refurbished movie theatre to see Cinderella. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried through the whole movie. I absolutely loved it! If you haven't seen it yet - you should!

Have courage. Be kind.

One of my favorite parts in the whole movie is when Ella has just stepped out of the carriage, and is standing in the moonlight at the foot of the giant staircase. There's no one around, except her footmen and driver, and she pauses.

"I'm scared, Mr. Lizard; I'm only a girl, not a princess."
"And I'm only a lizard, not a footman. Enjoy it while it lasts."
"Have courage. Be kind."

I heard a whole statement in those few words that I'm not sure anyone else heard, and I'm not even sure was meant to be there. I'm only a girl, not a (fill in the blank). But it's okay to be a girl and be (fill this in with what you're afraid of), because at midnight the spell breaks and life goes on; and guess what - you're probably better than before the spell was cast anyways.

Have courage. Be kind.

Kindness is free, but it requires courage to be kind when people are mean. And when you are kind in the face of meanness (way to go!), it grows you in all kinds of ways. Love. Forgiveness. More kindness.
The world's kindness meter is running a bit low, if you ask me. I hope that I can learn to have courage and be kind.

So, go do that thing that scares you, whatever it is, and enjoy it while it lasts. Have the courage to be kind to that person who is mean to you. You're not just a girl, you are so much more. Trust me, when the spell breaks and life goes on (which it does!), you'll be so much better for being kind. The world needs more kind people. Let's fill up the world's kindness meter together.

Have courage. Be kind.
