Recipe Box [diy]

Remember how I said that I got bit by the crafty bug the other day? I'm one of those people whose hands have be moving or doing something all the time, or I forget how to function or something. It may be time to take up counted cross stitch again, or teach myself how to knit...

For inspiration, I looked at my broken recipe book that my mother made last year when we got married, and decided that something must be done.

This is my first DIY post, so let me know what you think!

DIY Pretty Recipe Box

-a recipe box (I picked mine up at Michael's with a coupon for about $3)
-pretty paper for box
-coordinating paper for lid
-glue/sealant (I used decoupage glue)
-recipe cards and dividers


  1. Set your box in the center of the paper, making sure the front edge will meet the top edge of the box when folded upwards.
  2. Cut a straight line from the corners of the box to the edge of the paper; this will allow you to fold pretty corners.
  3. Do the same for the back.
  4. Glue the paper to the box, and trim excess paper.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the top of your box.
  6. Let it dry.
  7. Decorate your box if you wish. I added a tag with the stamp "Homemade with love..." onto the top, and I'll probably add some trim or a button closure to the front.
  8. Once dry, put a sealant on your box so it doesn't come apart, and helps to waterproof it a little.
  9. Fill your new recipe box with recipes! I made my own recipe card dividers out of cardstock and tags that I cut up.

There's something so pleasantly old fashioned about a recipe box, isn't there? Remember to have fun with this and let your own creative juices flow.

Good luck!

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